Open Port Check Tool

Use current ip
must be between 1 and 65535

Most Common Ports

  • 21 FTP
  • 22 SSH
  • 23 TELNET
  • 25 SMTP
  • 53 DNS
  • 80 HTTP
  • 110 POP3
  • 115 SFTP
  • 135 RPC
  • 139 NetBIOS
  • 143 IMAP
  • 194 IRC
  • 443 SSL
  • 445 SMB
  • 1433 MSSQL
  • 3306 MySQL
  • 3389 Remote Desktop
  • 5632 PCAnywhere
  • 5900 VNC
  • 3724 WOW
  • 9200 Elastic Search
  • 6379 Redis
  • 5432 Postgre SQL
  • 1521 Oracle
  • 1433 MSSQL
  • 3306 MariaDB
  • 5000 .net Local
  • 987 PlayStation Wake On Lan
  • 989 FTPS
  • 995 Post Office Protocol

About Open Port Checker Tool

The open port checker tool allows you to check port status of your external IP address or any IP address you have entered and scan open ports on your connection. This tool is extremely useful to find out if your port forwarding is setup correct or if your server applications are blocked or not by a firewall. The open port checker tool can also be used as a port scanner to scan your network for ports that are commonly used such as HTTP (port 80). Some may be closed such as port 25 by default, are often blocked at the ISP level in order to prevent unwanted activities.

Please note that if a port is open it does not mean the underlying application works correctly, such as port 80 can be open but it does not mean the HTTP server works correctly.

Keywords: port checker,open ports,port control,blocked ports,port forwarding test,modem port,well known port numbers